The John Maxwell D.I.S.C Personality Assessment System is a revolutionary tool designed to gauge individual personality types, behaviors, and preferences. Taught by Dr. John C. Maxwell, a renowned leadership expert, this assessment utilizes the D.I.S.C model, illustrating four primary personality types:


This system aids in fostering self-awareness, effective communication, and improved interpersonal relationships, serving as an invaluable resource in managing mental health and anxiety.

Dominance (D)

  • Decisive: Quickly makes informed decisions.
  • Driven: Highly motivated to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
  • Assertive: Expresses thoughts and desires openly and confidently.
  • Independent: Prefers autonomy and can work effectively with minimal guidance.
  • Impatient: May struggle with tasks or people perceived as slow or inefficient.
  • Risk-prone: Might make hasty decisions without considering consequences.
  • Perceived as Aggressive: Communication style may come off as too strong or abrasive.
  • Less Collaborative: Might struggle to work in highly collaborative or restrictive environments.

Influence (I)

  • Enthusiastic: Displays a high level of excitement and passion.
  • Persuasive: Effectively influences and convinces others.
  • Social: Enjoys interacting with others and builds strong relationships.
  • Optimistic: Maintains a positive outlook and sees opportunities.
  • Impulsive: May make decisions based on emotion rather than logic.
  • Disorganized: Might struggle with structure and prioritizing tasks.
  • Overly Talkative: May overshadow others in conversation.
  • Difficulty with Routine: May struggle with mundane and repetitive tasks.

Steadiness (S)

  • Dependable: Reliable and follows through on commitments.
  • Patient: Demonstrates understanding and tolerance with others.
  • Supportive: Works well in a team and supports others.
  • Consistent: Prefers routine and stability.
  • Resistance to Change: Struggles with adapting to new situations or environments quickly.
  • Indecisive: May find it challenging to make decisions, especially under pressure.
  • Overly Accommodating: Might struggle to assert own needs and wants.
  • Difficulty with Confrontation: May avoid conflicts and addressing issues directly.

Conscientiousness (C)

  • Detail-oriented: Pays close attention to details and accuracy.
  • Analytical: Uses logic and reasoning to make decisions.
  • Systematic: Prefers structure, rules, and clear expectations.
  • High Standards: Strives for excellence and quality.
  • Overanalyzing: May get bogged down in details and delay decisions.
  • Inflexible: Might struggle with adapting to changes or unforeseen circumstances.
  • Perceived as Aloof: May struggle to express emotions or connect on a personal level.
  • Risk Averse: May avoid taking risks and stick to what is known and proven.