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A Drug Trial Offers Hope for Progressive Nuclear Palsy

Summary: A new clinical trial will test three drugs concurrently to find treatments for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder. The trial aims to slow the relentless progression of PSP, which currently has no cure.Using an innovative platform model, the trial allows new therapies to be

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Exercise Engagement Is Increased by Virtual Reality by Sensing Feelings

Summary: Adaptive VR exergames, which adjust difficulty based on a user’s emotional state, can improve exercise adherence and enjoyment. By using sensors to monitor physiological changes like heart rate and facial expressions, these games can dynamically respond to how a person feels, keeping them engaged longer.The research demonstrated that these

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Novel Drug Shows Promise in Preventing Early Alzheimer’s Head Changes

Summary: A recent study has shown that troriluzole can prevent early-stage brain changes in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. The research demonstrated that troriluzole reduces harmful glutamate levels, preserving memory and cognitive function.This breakthrough suggests that early intervention with troriluzole could slow or even halt the progression of Alzheimer’s,

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Au does protect oxidative damage to brain tissue.

Summary: Researchers have discovered that the Tau protein, often linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, also has a protective role in the brain. Tau helps combat oxidative stress by aiding in the formation of lipid droplets in glial cells, which sequester toxic lipids and protect neurons.However, when Tau is mutated

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Morphine’s Pain Relief Mechanism Unveiled

Summary: Researchers have uncovered how morphine relieves pain by activating a specific group of neurons in the brain, termed the ‘morphine ensemble.’ These neurons, located in the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), connect to the spinal cord and inhibit pain signaling.Understanding this pathway could help reduce the severe side effects of

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Dogs that use boards buttons comprehend words

Summary: A new study reveals that dogs trained with soundboard buttons can comprehend and respond to specific words, indicating they may truly understand the words and not just react to cues from their owners. Researchers found that dogs responded appropriately to words like “play” and “outside,” regardless of who pressed

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