Important Synapses for Maternal Bonding Identified

Summary: A new study reveals that specific neurons in the brain’s zona incerta (ZI) are crucial for early social interactions between infants and their mothers. These neurons, which express somatostatin, help build the maternal bond and reduce stress in infants. Interestingly, the same neurons increase anxiety and fear responses in...

Cancer Drugs Show Promise for Cognitive Function in Autism

Summary: A new experimental cancer drug could ease cognitive difficulties for those with Rett syndrome, a rare autism-linked disorder, by enhancing brain cell functions. The drug, ADH-503, improves the activity of microglia, which are crucial for maintaining neural networks.Researchers found that healthy microglia restored synapse function in brain organoids mimicking...

” Eureka Moments” Shed Light on Consciousness

Summary: A new study proposes a novel approach to studying consciousness through behavioral observations and learning curves. The study highlights that learning often occurs in sudden leaps, suggesting these “eureka moments” are preceded by conscious cognitive processes.By examining the timing of these leaps, researchers aim to identify the brain mechanisms...
