Quantum Basis of Consciousness in the Brains: Evidence from Study

Summary: A recent study suggests that classical operations may be the cause of sleep in rats while they are being anesthetic. This finding supports the idea that anesthesia acts on microtubules, possible lending mass to the classical theory of awareness.

The study challenges conventional theories of mental activity, implying that neurons may be the source of consciousness’s social classical vibration. These findings may reshape our understanding of awareness, with implications for hypnosis, mental disorders, and awareness in non-human creatures.

Important Information:

  • The study discovered that microtubule-binding medications caused rats to become unconscious while being anesthetic.
  • This supports the classical concept of consciousness, challenging traditional ideas.
  • The findings may affect our knowledge of hypnosis, brain disorders, and awareness in non-human animals.

Origin: Wellesley College

What is the real basis of brain consciousness, one of the most important and perplexing questions in neuroscience for decades?

A majority of researchers concur that consciousness had been quantum in character and that its head must be based on a shared quantum vibration of “microtubule” proteins inside neurons, despite the majority of researchers ‘ favors of traditional models based on classical physics.

A classical perspective of consciousness, in Wiest’s words, “gives us a world picture where we can remain connected to the world in a more organic and holistic way.” Credit: Neuroscience News

Significant experimental results from a group of undergraduate students at Wellesley College, including new study by Wellesley College professor Mike Wiest, have been revealed that are related to this discussion.

Wiest and his research team discovered that it took rats long to become unconscious under an anesthetic gasoline when they were given a medication that binds to microtubules.

The study team’s microtubule-binding medication interfered with the sedative action, so supporting the idea that the sedative acts on microtubules to produce unconsciousness.

The results are &nbsp, published&nbsp, in the journal&nbsp, eNeuro.

” Since we do n’t know of another ( i. e., classical ) way that anesthetic binding to microtubules would generally reduce&nbsp, brain activity&nbsp, and cause unconsciousness”, Wiest says,” this finding supports the quantum model of&nbsp, consciousness”.

It’s hard to overstate the value of the classical/quantum conversation about awareness, says Wiest, an associate professor of neuroscience at Wellesley.

” When it becomes accepted that the brain is a&nbsp, classical happening, we may have entered a new era in our knowledge of what we are”, he says.

The new view “would lead to improved understanding of how anesthesia works, and it would form our thinking about a wide variety of relevant questions, such as whether coma patients or&nbsp, non-human animals&nbsp, are informed, how strange drugs like lithium modulate&nbsp, informed experience&nbsp, to regulate mood, how diseases like Alzheimer’s or schizophrenia affect perception and memory, and so on”.

A classical perspective of consciousness, in Wiest’s words, “gives us a world picture where we can remain connected to the world in a more organic and holistic way.”

Wiest intends to continue his research in this area and hopes to write a guide to describe and examine the quantum consciousness theory.

Wellesley individuals who co-authored the papers with Wiest are Sana Khan, Yixiang Huang, Derin Timucin, Shantelle Bailey, Sophia Lee, Jessica Lopes, Emeline Gaunce, Jasmine Mosberger, Michelle Zhan, Bothina Abdelrahman and Xiran Zeng.

About this information from awareness study

Author: Stacey Schmeidel
Source: Wellesley College
Contact: Stacey Schmeidel – Wellesley College
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Closed exposure.
Microtubule-Stabilizer Epothilone B Delays Anesthetic-Induced Unconsciousness in Animals” by Mike Wiest et al. eNeuro


Microtubule-Stabilizer Epothilone B Delays Anesthetic-Induced Unconsciousness in Animals

Dangerous anesthetics are already believed to induce sleep by acting on one or more chemical targets including neurological ion channels, receptors, mitochondria, neural proteins, and mitochondrial proteins.

Isoflurane, an anesthetic gases, bind to cytoskeletal microtubules ( MTs ), which dampen their quantum optical effects and could lead to unconsciousness. This chance is supported by the discovery that taxane treatment with MT-stabilizing medications lessens the potency of anesthesia during surgery in human cancers people.

We measured latencies to LORR ( LORR ) under 4 % isoflurane in male rats injected subcutaneously with a vehicle or 0.75 mg/kg of the brain-penetrant MT–stabilizing drug epothilone B (epoB ) to experimentally assess the contribution of MTs as functionally relevant target of volatile anesthetics.

According to LORR, EpoB-treated animals took an average of 69 seconds longer to be incapacitated. This was a statistically significant difference corresponding to a standardized mean difference ( Cohen ‘s&nbsp, d ) of 1.9, indicating a “large” normalized effect size. The sensitivity caused by repeated contact to isoflurane was unable to explain the result.

Our findings suggest that animals ( and presumably humans and other animals ) experience sleep and loss of deliberate behavior as a result of tying the anesthetic oil isoflurane to MTs. Models that view awareness as a characteristic of a quantum natural state of neurological MTs are able to predict this finding.
