Color on the body may affect the response to medications.

Summary: A recent study demonstrates that skin pigmentation can affect how quickly medications can be effective, with melanin possibly bound to some medications and stifling their effectiveness. According to experts, this underappreciated aspect of drug tests may have an impact on drug safety and dosage because it can cause skin-to-body reactions.

Recent FDA guidelines lack procedures addressing pigmentation’s effects on medication interactions, raising concerns for diversity in therapy efficacy. The study suggests a method for pharmaceutical companies to analyze drug interactions across skin sorts by using various 3D body models.

The results call for an all-inclusive approach to preclinical and clinical trials to ensure that all individual types receive effective medications. Current regulatory changes that emphasize variety in medicine development support this shift.

Important Facts:

    Melanin Interaction: Melanin can connect to medicines, affecting drug availability and performance across different skin tones.

  • FDA Diversity Gaps: Current FDA rules do not completely tackle skin pigmentation in drug screening.
  • Suggested Solutions: Unique 3D epidermis models had better examine medication interactions, promoting equitable treatments.

Origin: Dataset

A pair of researchers report in a view article published in the journal Human Genomics that skin color may work as a” towel” for some drugs, potentially affecting how quickly effective medicines can reach their intended target.

According to the researchers, there are a huge number of medications and other medications that can connect to melanin pigments in people with varying body tones, which causes differences in how bioavailable and effective these medications and other medications are.

Groen explained that in various ancient background, particular biological varieties are more common. According to him, those variations can have an impact on how a medication is metabolized and how it functions in a system. Credit: Neuroscience News

” Our review report concludes that melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, shows a shocking affinity for certain medication materials”, said&nbsp, Simon Groen, an associate professor of evolutionary systems science in the&nbsp, Institute of Integrative Genome Biology&nbsp, at the University of California, Riverside, and a collaborator on the paper.

” Melanin’s implications for drug safety and dosing have been largely overlooked, raising alarming questions about the efficacy of standard dosing because people vary a lot in skin tones,” according to Melanin.

According to Groen and coauthor&nbsp, Sophie Zaaijer, a consultant and researcher affiliated with UC Riverside who specializes in diversity, equity, and inclusion ( DEI ) in preclinical R&amp, D and clinical trials, current FDA guidelines for toxicity testing fail to adequately address the impact of skin pigmentation on drug interactions.

” This oversight is particularly concerning given the push for more diverse clinical trials, as outlined in the agency ‘s&nbsp, Diversity Action Plan”, Zaaijer said. However, the majority of drug testing is still done in” white populations of Northern European descent” according to current early-stage drug development practices.

In one case study, the researchers discovered evidence of nicotine affinity for skin pigments, which might affect how differently skin toned people smoke and whether skin-adhered nicotine patches work to stop smoking.

If smokers with darker skin tones turn to these patches in their attempts to quit, do we unintentionally shortchange them? Groen said.

A new workflow, using human 3D skin models with varying pigmentation levels, is suggested by Groen and Zaaijer, which could provide pharmaceutical companies with a reliable way to assess drug binding properties across various skin types.

According to Zaaijer, “Skin pigmentation should be taken into account as a factor in safety and dose estimates.” We are in the middle of a transformative era in the biomedical industry, where accepting diversity is no longer just an option but a necessity.

According to the researchers, skin pigmentation is just one example. Genetic variations among minority groups can lead to starkly different drug responses across races and ethnicities, affecting up to 20 % of all medications, they said. &nbsp,

” Yet, our molecular understanding of these differences remains very limited”, Zaaijer said.

The researchers agree that the advancement of inclusivity, which includes race, ethnicity, sex, and age, necessitates a complete revision of FDA guidelines on clinical endpoints in line with the FDA’s Diversity Action Plan. &nbsp,

” It’s a monumental task, requiring clear lines of communication between academics, industry researchers, clinicians, and regulators”, Zaaijer said.

The ability of our organization to connect these currently dispersed operational teams is what determines the future of medicine.

The researchers point out that a move toward inclusive drug development is expected to occur as a result of the passage of a new law, the 2022 Food and Drug Omnibus Reform Act. &nbsp,

” The FDA published their draft guidelines recently”, Zaaijer said. In their effort to find equitable drugs, they will require examining patient diversity in clinical trials and preclinical R&amp, D. The next step is to provide guidance on what pharmacokinetic variables should be tested in drug R&amp, D pipelines.

The researchers hope to encourage the academia and the pharmaceutical industry to begin conducting thorough experimental studies of skin pigmentation and drug kinetics. &nbsp,

They also encourage patients, their advocacy groups, and clinical trial participants to ask questions related to ancestry-specific drug efficacy and safety, such as,” Has this drug been tested to see if it’s safe for people from different ancestral backgrounds, including mine”?

According to the researchers, clinicians and pharmaceutical representatives should be able to provide an understandable document outlining the results of the various tests. &nbsp,

They acknowledge that this will be challenging in the current state of drug development. &nbsp,

Drugs are most frequently tested on one or a few human cell models, which are primarily obtained from donors of Northern European descent, according to Zaaijer.

” Drugs are then tested on a rodent model. If these tests are successful, drug companies push the drug through to clinical trials.

” But are drugs ready to be given to a diverse patient group if they have n’t first been tested, for example, on human cell models of different ancestries? If you are aware that the ropes have not been tested for your weight category, would you bungee jump off a bridge? Unlikely. So why is this currently acceptable with drugs?

Groen explained that in various ancestral backgrounds, particular genetic variants are more common. According to him, those variations can have an impact on how a drug is metabolized and how it functions in a body. &nbsp,

” Dif different groups of people have more trust in the drug development process and enroll in clinical trials because they will be better informed of any potential risks,” he said, “if different ancestral backgrounds are taken into account in the early stages of drug discovery.”

About this news from neuropharmacology research

Author: Iqbal Pittalwala
Source: UCR
Contact: Iqbal Pittalwala – UCR
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.
By Simon Groen and al.,” Integrating differentially pigmented skin models for predicting drug response variability across human ancestries.” Human Genomics


Implementing differentially pigmented skin models to predict variability in drug responses across human ancestries is a challenge.

Legislative reforms and increased scientific attention have recently been a result of persistent racial disparities in health outcomes. Despite the well-known roles that skin pigments play in binding drug compounds, their impact on both therapeutic efficacy and adverse drug reactions is unreachable.

This perspective examines the complex connections between pharmacokinetics and -dynamics and melanin-based pigmentation, underscoring the need to consider diversity in skin pigmentation as a factor in order to improve the equitability of pharmacological interventions.

The article provides recommendations for selecting New Approach Methods ( NAMs) to promote inclusive study designs in preclinical drug development pipelines, helping to improve the level of translational competence in the clinic.
