Head Networks Vary in Structure-Function Link

Summary: Research has revealed that the relationship between brain function and composition is highly influenced by the brain areas studied. In major sensory and motor regions, nerve cable clearly predicts work, while in regions associated with difficult thinking, this link weakens.

Using information from 300 brain features, the study found that developed cognitive features rely less on strong neural connections, suggesting biological version. Direct pathways between regions does have enabled new cognitive abilities as the human mind evolved. This curve underscores how mind organization supports various sensory, motor, and mental processes. Findings show the breadth of brain function and connectivity.

Important Facts:

    Gradient effect: Powerful structure-function hyperlink in sensory/motor places, weaker in complex mental areas.

  • Biological translation: Advanced cognitive functions does rely on direct pathways.
  • Brain function information: Study reveals variety in how mind networks support various processes.

Origin: Yale

Various mind parts are connected by network of cells and communicate through them. However, the extent to which cerebral cable enables a common operation between these various areas is not well understood. Is this structure-function marriage the same throughout the mind? The same across works?

Yale experts have then found that this connection is variable, which they&nbsp, reported recently in Nature Communications.

The variations in how structure and function are related throughout the head are illustrated in this instance. Credit: Evan Collins and Omar Chishti

The researchers studied the coactivation of various brain regions ( function ) by the neurons that directly connected them ( structure ) by combining both structural and functional brain data from large data repositories. This was compared to more than 300 mind works and various brain regions.

” We found that this marriage exists on a gradient”, said guide author&nbsp, Evan Collins, who is now a grad student at MIT but who conducted the research as an college in the Yale Neuroscience Neuroanalytics research team directed by&nbsp, Dennis Spencer&nbsp, and&nbsp, Hitten Zaveri.

According to Collins,” the relationship between structure and performance was stronger in the major sensory and motor cerebral areas as well as for perceptual and motor features.” For difficult cognitive functions, it was the relationship cortex’s weakest. Additionally, the way in which humans perceive meaning from words mirrors this neurological curve, revealing how our speech informs us about our mental business”.

This curve might be explained by the evolution of the human mind. One possible explanation is that while immediate connections between brain regions were adequate for the development of more advanced abilities, such as complex cognition, they had run out of steam as the brain advanced more complex cognitive capabilities.

Zaveri, co-senior author of the study and associate professor of neurology at Yale School of Medicine,” It’s possible that the brain developed more indirect connections between regions in order to establish new, more advanced abilities.”

About this information about science study

Author: Evan Collins
Source: Yale
Contact: Evan Collins – Yale
Image: The image is credited to Evan Collins and Omar Chishti

Original Research: Start exposure.
Evan Collins and colleagues ‘” Mapping the structure-function relationship in the human brain along geometrical gradients” is a paper. Nature Communications


mapping the human brain’s structure-function relationship along geometrical gradients

Practical coactivation between people brain regions is largely explained by light issue connections, but, how the structure-function connection varies by function remains unclear.

We use big data archives to create maps of structure-function letter for hundreds of distinct features and brain regions.

We use natural language processing to accurately identify structure-function communications for particular functions and identify geometrical gradients across the mind that are related to cerebral thickness and structure-function correspondence.

Our findings suggest that structure-function letter occurs along a sensory-fugal corporate shaft, with higher letter in key sensory and motor brain for perceptual and motor functions and lower letter in relationship cortex for cognitive functions.

Our research combines science and natural language to provide information into the richness and development of neural network properties by demonstrating how structure-function coupling varies by region and function in the brain.
