Summary: New research provides direct evidence that the gut microbiome communicates with the brain through the vagus nerve. Using germ-free mice, scientists observed significantly reduced vagal nerve activity, which returned to normal after introducing gut bacteria.When antibiotics were used to eliminate bacteria in normal mice, vagal activity dropped but was...
The Urge to Move to Music Is Hardwired
Summary: A new study finds that the urge to move to music—known as groove—is a distinct physiological response, separate from musical enjoyment. Researchers examined individuals with musical anhedonia, who feel little or no pleasure from music, and found they still had a strong urge to move when listening to rhythmic...
Stress Modifies the Sound Processing Operations
Summary: Chronic stress weakens the brain’s ability to process sounds, requiring louder stimuli to trigger normal responses, according to new research in mice. Scientists found that stress affects inhibitory brain cells, which suppress responses to lower-decibel sounds while maintaining sensitivity to louder noises. This shift may be caused by an...