How the Brain Senses Surprises

Summary: Key findings regarding mental performance have been made about how the neocortex and thalamus communicate between anticipated and genuine visual events. The brain generates forecast error signals that are essential for understanding and translation by carefully boosting unanticipated sensory insight.

This finding might help us better understand brains circuit modifications in conditions like schizophrenia and autism. The research was done using cutting-edge methods like neuroscience and two-photon magnesium imaging.

Important Information:

  • Working together, the brain and the brain increase unanticipated sensory input, producing prediction error signals.
  • This method is necessary for acquiring and modifying new knowledge.
  • The investigation offers insight into mental work, with potential implications for understanding autism and schizophrenia.

Origin: Sainsbury Wellcome Center

Researchers have discovered how the brain and amygdala, two mind regions, can detect discrepancies between what creatures expect from their surroundings and actual events. These prediction errors are made by limiting the amount of unanticipated visual information used.

These findings advance our understanding of brain predictive processing and could provide insight into how brain circuits are altered in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders ( SSDs ) respectively.

The study, which was published today in Nature, describes how researchers at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre at UCL conducted experiments on animals in a virtual real setting to better understand both the nature and methods by which they manifest.

They are also considering how their observations might aid in the knowledge of ASDs and SSDs. Credit: Neuroscience News

Our brains are continually predicting what to expect from the world and what to do as a result.

When these projections go bad, different brain regions are activated, and these forecast error signals are crucial for allowing us to learn from our errors and release our predictions. However, surprisingly little is known about the neural circuits systems that control how they are implemented in the head, according to Professor Sonja Hofer, Group Leader at SWC and related author on the report.

The experts placed animals in a virtual reality environment where they could move along a well-known hall to a prize to investigate how the mind processes expected and unanticipated situations. The team had precise control over sensory input and the ability to place sudden images on the walls thanks to the virtual atmosphere.

The researchers were able to capture the neural activity of numerous individual cells in our principal visual cortex, the first area of our brain to receive sensory data from the eye, using a technique known as two-photon calcium scanning.

Despite earlier theories suggesting that prediction error signals encapsulate how the actual physical input is distinct from expectations, we uncovered no empirical proof for this. Alternatively, we discovered that the mind stimulates the actions of the cells that are most interested in the unanticipated sensory input. This careful synthesis of visual knowledge results in the error signal that we observe.

This suggests that our brains can distinguish between predictions and true inputs, according to Dr. Shohei Furutachi, first author on the study and senior research fellow at SWC.

The team used a method known as optogenetics to eradicate or install various groups of neurons in order to understand how the brain makes this amplification of the unanticipated visual input in the visual cortex.

The pulvinar, which integrates information from numerous forebrain and subcortical areas and has a strong connection to V1, and two groups of neurons that are crucial for the forecast error message in the physical cortex: vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing antagonistic interneurons in V1. However, the researchers discovered that these two groups of neurons interact in a strange way.

” Often, we focus on studying one brain region or pathway at a time in neuroscience.” However, as a molecular biology graduate, I found it fascinating how interconnected molecular pathways function together to enable flexible and contextual regulation. ” I made the decision to investigate whether VIP neurons and the pulvinar might be cooperating at the neural level,” said Dr. Furutachi.

And indeed, Dr Furutachi’s work revealed that VIP neurons and pulvinar act synergistically together. When VIP neurons are off, the pulvinar blocks neocortex activity, but when VIP neurons are on, the pulvinar can selectively and strongly boost sensory responses in the neocortex. Thus, the visual cortex’s sensory prediction error signals are mediated by the two pathways ‘ cooperative interaction.

The team will now look at how and where in the brain’s predictions are compared to the actual sensory input to determine sensory prediction errors, as well as how and where prediction error signals influence learning. They are also looking into how their findings might aid in the understanding of ASDs and SSDs.

It has been suggested that the prediction error system’s imbalance could explain both ASDs and SSDs. We are now attempting to apply our findings to model animals with ASDs and SSDs to investigate the mechanistic neural circuit mechanisms that underlie these disorders,” explained Dr. Furutachi.

Funding: This research was funded by the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre Core Grant from the Gatsby Charity Foundation and Wellcome ( 219627/Z/19/Z and 090843/F/09/Z ), a Wellcome Investigator Award ( 219561/Z/19/Z ), the Gatsby Charitable Foundation ( GAT3212 and GAT3361 ), the Wellcome Trust ( 090843/E/09/Z and 217211/Z/19/Z ), European Research Council ( HigherVision 337797, NeuroV1sion 616509 ), the SNSF ( 31003A 169525 ), Biozentrum core funds ( University of Basel ).

About this news about neuroscience research

Author: April Cashin-Garbutt
Source: Sainsbury Wellcome Center
Contact: April Cashin-Garbutt – Sainsbury Wellcome Center
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: The findings will appear in Nature
