How Self-Esteem and Sexual Well-Being Impact Each Another

Summary: A long-term study has revealed a powerful connection between self-esteem and physical pleasure, showing that the two elements influence each other. Good physical experiences may increase self-esteem over time, while higher self-esteem is related to more frequent physical activity and greater fulfillment.

The review, which followed over 11, 000 European parents for 12 years, found that age and gender affect the strength of this relation, with women and older people showing stronger relationships. These observations help to clarify the difficult connection between how people view themselves and their physical well-being.

Important Information:

  • Over time, self-worth and physical fulfillment are related.
  • Self-esteem and physical well-being were linked more strongly with older adults and older people.
  • Good physical activities can lead to increased self-esteem, and evil opposite.

Origin: University of Zurich

A powerful relationship between self-esteem and sexual pleasure has been established by a long-term research conducted by the Institutions of Zurich and Utrecht.

The outcomes provide important insights into long-standing debates about whether having better gender makes you feel better, whether having better sex makes you feel better, or whether both are true.

According to several theories, people with higher self-esteem are more likely to have more fulfilling sexual relationships, and the two factors have an impact on one another. However, very little research has been done to time about how this conversation develops over time.

Theories that see self-esteem as a sociable thermometer that measures how much we value and accept other people’s relationships support the findings on the powerful connection between self-esteem and physical well-being. Credit: Neuroscience News

A new research based on a nationally representative sample of more than 11, 000 European parents uncovered some intriguing conclusions. The study was conducted by researchers from the Universities of Zurich ( UZH) and Utrecht who analyzed 12-year data of people’s self-esteem and sexual experiences.

Long-term research shows a bilateral effect

According to lead writers Elisa Weber and Wiebke Bleidorn from the Department of Psychology at UZH, “people with higher self-esteem tend to be sexually active more frequently and also to be more pleased with their physical experience.”

There were also significant relationships over day: changes in sexual satisfaction led to changes in a woman’s self-esteem, and vice versa. These intraindividual organisations demonstrate how self-esteem and sexual fulfillment can affect one another.

Theories that see self-esteem as a sociable thermometer that measures how much we value and accept other people’s relationships support the findings on the powerful connection between self-esteem and physical well-being.

Good experiences in social and personal relationships can boost self-esteem, whereas bad experiences are seen as a sign of social rejection and reflect poorly in the long run.

High self-esteem may also be a better tool for communicating their desires and preferences to romantic partners, which will increase overall erotic well-being.

Age and gender problem

However, the study also showed that the correlations are not equally pronounced for all people. Age and gender problem: older people and women tended to show a stronger connection between self-esteem and sexual well-being than younger people and men.

Ironically, relationship position did not appear to be important, as the link between self-esteem and physical well-being was as powerful for one people as it was for people in relationships.

Wiebke Bleidorn puts the study’s results in framework:” Answering these concerns is of tremendous value. Our findings suggest that self-esteem plays an important role in our physical practice, particularly with regard to intimate well-being. At the same time, changes in physical well-being can even lead to changes in self-esteem.

The author claims that the findings of this study supply important incentive for potential research in this area and help to understand the complex interplay between self-esteem and physical experience.

About this mindset research on self-esteem and sexual fulfillment

Publisher: Barbara Simpson
Source: University of Zurich
Contact: Barbara Simpson – University of Zurich
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Start exposure.
Elisa Weber and albert.,” Self-Esteem and Sexual Activities.” Bulletin of Personality and Social Psychology


Self-Esteem and Sexual Activities

Although there is evidence that those with higher self-esteem tend to experience more exciting sexual relationships, little is known about how self-esteem and erotic experiences change over time.

Some theories predict bilateral effects between self-esteem and erotic experiences.

Using 12-wave horizontal information from more than 11, 000 participants from a representative example in Germany, the current research tested these ideas. Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Models were used to analyze the data.

Findings showed that there were significant relationships between firm self-esteem, sexual experience frequency, and overall quality. Also, we found mutual within-person transactions between self-esteem and physical satisfaction but no sexual frequency.

Ultimately, the current pattern of results supports theories that view close sexual relationships as a result and source of self-esteem.
