Evidence of a Link Between Childhood Trauma and Elder Abuse Hazard

Summary: New research has revealed that those who have adverse childhood experiences (ACEs ) have a higher risk of abusing older adults. Over 13, 000 people were surveyed by the investigation, and 8.5 % of those who had ACEs admitted to verbal or physical abuse of seniors.

Emotional health and individual well-being were major contributors, as ACEs often lead to poor physical and mental health. The results show how crucial it is to understand how to split the intergenerational cycle of violence and create support systems.

Important Facts:

  • 8.5 % of individuals with ACEs self-reported elder abuse.
  • Almost eight times more likely than those with two or more Cards to abuse are those with two or more.
  • A significant factor in the generational crime cycle is mental health.

Origin: University of Tokyo

New research identifies a link between severe childhood experience (ACEs ), such as physical or emotional abuse, and a higher risk of people becoming violent toward older years.

The study found that generational trauma may extend beyond the immediate past to the present day, as well as the past.

About half of Japanese citizens had one or more ACEs, according to a study of over 13 000. 8.5 % of them self-reported using physical or verbal abuse against people over the age of 65.

In comparison to those without one ACE, the risk of perpetuating elder abuse was nearly three times higher for those without two Cards and about eight times higher for those without. Credit: Neuroscience News

The person’s mental and physical wellbeing, both of which are known to be affected by ACEs, were a significant contributing factor.

Researchers hope to create guidelines and aid to help people break the chain by better understanding the causes of familial violence.

You may have heard the old saying” spare the rod, spoil the baby”. Although much to the contrary, studies have shown that child abuse, neglect, domestic difficulties, or physical abuse or abuse have long-lasting damaging results on their physical and mental health.

Referred to as severe youth activities, this abuse can lead to a self-perpetuating period. Eventually, the children of parents who are ACEs are also more likely to experience some form of neglect or abuse. &nbsp,

A new research by a group of researchers from the University of Tokyo has demonstrated that this behavior can also go up, despite the fact that ACEs are known to raise the risk of millennial crime being passed down. &nbsp,

” Our study demonstrated that those who had negative childhood experiences ( age from zero to 18 ) were more likely to verbally abuse and commit violence against adults over the age of 65.

According to lead creator Chie Koga, job associate professor from the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo,” The study also showed that mental elements were the most important source.”

The research team studied 13, 318 survey responses by women and men ( almost evenly split ) aged 20 to 64 in Japan. They discovered that those who reported having more Cards were more likely to abuse older people verbally or physically.

The ACEs included were: interpersonal loss ( parental loss or divorce ), family psychopathy ( parental mental disease and violence in family ), abuse ( physical and psychological ) and neglect.

According to the research, 8.5 % of respondents self-reported abuse of older people in some way. Almost half of the respondents had no ACEs, about 36 % had one and about 14 % had two or more.

In comparison to those without one ACE, the risk of perpetuating elder abuse was nearly three times higher for those without two ACEs and about eight times higher for those without. &nbsp,

My theory is that behavioural factors contribute primarily to some forms of violence. I think that a person should use murder as their last resort to preserve their respect, Koga said.

However, the notion that crime is solely the fault of the perpetrator and that they are the only ones to bear witness to their own actions is prevalent in Asian society, particularly in this country. This research is one way to improve research in assault epidemiology because of the huge lack of research.

Depression, different mental illnesses, and how responders rated their health were other factors that most somewhat affected whether someone with ACEs dedicated elder abuse. Lesser but nevertheless important factors were living arrangements, marital status, money and whether the man went out at least once a quarter. &nbsp,

According to these studies, the cycle of crime can affect all at-risk parties. At the same time, one of the social and environmental risk factors for elder abuse has been just identified, and the importance of preventing crime has been reemphasized,” said Koga.

” However, it’s important to notice that not all people with ACEs are repeat offenders of crime. Thus, we would like to examine the aggravating aspects in the future.”


This study was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science ( JSPS) KAKENHI Grant Numbers ( 21H04856, 20K10467, 20K19633, 20K13721, 24K16531 ), the JST Grant Number JPMJPF2017, the Health Labor Sciences Research Grant 21HA2016, the grant for 2021–2022 Strategic Research Promotion of Yokohama City University ) ( No. The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research conducted a study on” Using Health Metrics to Monitor and Evaluate the Impact of Health Policies.” This study was conducted under the supervision of SK202116. Dr. Koga is in charge of ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the data analysis because he had access to all of the information from the investigation.

About this information from the study on trauma and abuse

Author: Nicola Burghall
Source: University of Tokyo
Contact: Nicola Burghall – University of Tokyo
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Start entry.
” Intergenerational Chain of Violence, Adverse Childhood Experience, and Elder Abuse Perpetration” by Chie Koga et cetera. JAMA Network Open


Intergenerational Chain of Violence, Adverse Childhood Experience, and Elder Abuse Perpetration


It is well known that those who have had negative childhood experiences (ACEs ) are more likely to abuse their own children, perpetuating the cycle of violence. But, the relationship between elder abuse and victimization has not been thoroughly examined.


To verify the link between ACEs and elder misuse and the contributing factors.

Design, Setting, and Participants&nbsp, &nbsp,

This cross-sectional study used data collected via the self-administered Japan COVID-19 and Society Internet Survey from September 12 to October 19, 2022. Men and women between the ages of 20 and 64 who responded to related inquiries were taken into consideration. Data were analyzed from July 2023 to April 2024.


ACEs, defined as the experience of any of 7 items—interpersonal loss ( parental loss and parental divorce ), family psychopathology ( parental mental disease and violence in family ), abuse ( physical and psychological abuse ), and neglect—before the age of 18 years.

Main Result and Measures&nbsp, &nbsp,

The primary outcome was the perpetration of physical and/or psychological abuse against an older person ( aged ≥65 years ) self-reported via questionnaire. Linear analysis analysis was used to calculate the direct and indirect effects.


Of a total of 13 318 participants ( mean]SD] age, 41.1 ]12.1] years, 6634 female]49.8 % ] ), 1133 ( 8.5 % ) reported perpetrating violence against older adults. Compared with individuals without ACEs, the odds ratios ( ORs ) for perpetrating violence were 3.22 (95 % CI, 2.74-3.79 ) for those with 1 ACE and 7.65 (95 % CI, 6.41-9.13 ) for those with 2 or more ACEs.

In the mediation analysis, factors with large indirect effect estimates included depression ( OR, 1.13, 95 % CI, 1.11-1.14, proportion mediated]PM], 18.6 % ), mental illness other than depression ( OR, 1.12, 95 % CI, 1.10-1.14, PM, 17.3 % ), and self-rated health ( OR, 1.04, 95 % CI, 1.03-1.05, PM, 6.0 % ).

Opinions and Relevance&nbsp, &nbsp,

These findings point to the possibility that violence can occur between generations in any prone team, including older adults as well as children. Further investigation into the prevention of ACEs and the bursting of these cycle of violence is warranted.
