80-Minute Sleep Lost in Youth Exposed to” Forever Chemicals”

Summary: igher blood levels of four specific types of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances ( PFAS ), also known as “forever chemicals”, are linked to poorer sleep quality in young adults. These substances, found in regular items and the atmosphere, have been shown to destroy genes responsible for regulating sleep and wake cycles, leading to decreased rest length and more rest disturbances.

PFAS exposure has long-term health implications, such as mental decline and increased risk of neural disorders. The research emphasizes the need for more thorough health analysis and PFAS laws.

Important Facts:

  • Poorer sleep value, including difficulty falling asleep, and PFAS exposure are related to poorer sleep quality.
  • The investigation discovers certain genes that control mental functions and sleep hormones.
  • A reduction of about 80 hours of sleep per night is related to high amounts of some PFAS.

Origin: USC

Research led by the&nbsp, Keck School of Medicine of USC&nbsp, has shown that degrees of “forever compounds” in the body are linked with problems to a basic foundation of health — sleep. &nbsp,

Participants in the first study to examine that connection in young adults had lower levels of four distinct per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances ( PFAS ) in their blood, which were higher in the study.

The researchers are the first to identify genes involved in the brain’s natural defenses and a hormone that controls sleep by looking into underlying chemical methods.

Alzheimer’s, which has its own links to rest deficits, has been associated with cognitive decline as a result of high levels of the enzyme. Credit: Neuroscience News

Substances are ingested with food and water and enter the body by coming into contact with consumer goods. They do n’t easily disintegrate and can live in the environment for decades. The majority of Americans ‘ blood has PFAS levels that are visible. &nbsp,

In recent years, always substances have been linked to health issues ranging from neurological disease to cancer and neurological conditions due to testosterone and immune function imbalances.

The study, supported by the National Institutes of Health ( NIH) and published in the journal&nbsp, Environmental Advances, is among a small body of research concerning PFAS and sleep.

” Because the body needs sleep every day, if PFAS might be interfering with your sleep, that may affect you more immediately than other chronic health issues”, said first and corresponding author Shiwen ( Sherlock ) Li, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in the&nbsp, Department of Population and Public Health Sciences&nbsp, at the Keck School of Medicine.

” Longer term, poor rest has been connected to benefits including neural and behavioral problems, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease”.

The investigation may include data suggesting a justification for closer rules of forever chemicals in addition to providing information into the biology of PFAS ‘ effect on sleep. &nbsp,

” Sleep quality is an issue that affects almost anyone, so the effect of PFAS on rest may have coverage implications”, said Li, who is advised by study co-authors Lida Chatzi, MD, PhD, director of the&nbsp, USC Center for Translational Research on Environmental Health&nbsp, and professor of community and public health sciences and of pediatrics, and Max Aung, PhD, MPH, associate chairman of society engagement for the middle, and assistant professor of population and public health sciences.

identifying forever chemicals that could be harmful to good sleep

The researchers collected blood samples and information about sleep from 144 participants, age 19 to 24, who were part of the&nbsp, USC Children’s Health Study. About half of the participants ‘ contributions to both sets of measurements were taken years apart. &nbsp,

Out of seven types of PFAS examined, four were significantly associated with less sleep or worse quality of sleep — PFDA, PFHxS, PFOA and PFOS.

For the first three of those, young adults with blood&nbsp, levels in the highest one-third slept an average of about&nbsp, 80 fewer minutes nightly than those in the lowest third. Additionally, higher combined PFAS levels were related to a shorter sleep cycle. &nbsp,

For PFOS, high blood concentrations were significantly linked to self-reported problems falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up or feeling tired during waking hours.

All four “legacy PFAS” chemicals, some of which are linked to cancer and neurological conditions from ADHD to Alzheimer’s, are regarded as “legacy PFAS.” Although they were frequently used from the 1950s to the early 2000s, they have since been largely phased out in favor of comparable compounds with unknown safety profiles.

” It could be a matter of cumulative exposure over time”, Li said. What we measured in the blood is likely to be influenced by exposure since birth, or even prenatal exposures.

Biological clues emerge about PFAS and sleep disruptions

The team used toxicology databases to analyze the four different PFAS types, which are used to compile research linking chemicals, diseases, and gene expression variations. The team examined the overlap between genes affected by the four forever chemicals and genes related to sleep disorders because no previous studies combined PFAS, sleep, and gene expression. &nbsp,

The researchers then extracted blood samples from participants to profile a panel of proteins — the results of the blueprints enscribed in genes. Out of 600-plus candidate genes, seven activated by PFAS seemed to influence sleep.

An important factor was an immune-oriented gene called&nbsp, HSD11B1. Cortisol, which is crucial for controlling the circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, is produced by it.

” If the expression of the protein encoded by&nbsp, HSD11B1&nbsp, is disrupted, that means that cortisol levels could also be disrupted”, Li said. ” That, in turn, affects sleep”.

Another gene seemingly prominent in PFAS ‘ impact on sleep, &nbsp, cathepsin B, is related to cognitive function and memory. The resulting enzyme is a precursor of amyloid beta proteins, which are found in plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Alzheimer’s, which has its own connections to sleep deficits, has been associated with cognitive decline because of its high levels of the enzyme.

As part of the NIH’s Multi-Omics for Health and Disease Consortium, the researchers will continue to look into forever chemicals and sleep patterns in children. Additionally, they are working on lab studies looking into the genes linked to brain development and the PFOS genes.

About this study

The study’s other co-authors are Jesse Goodrich, Jiawen Carmen Chen, Elizabeth Costello, Emily Beglarian, Jiawen Liao, Brittney Baumert, Sarah Rock, Sandrah Eckel, Rob McConnell, Frank Gilliland, Zhanghua Chen and David Conti, all of the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, Tanya Alderete of Johns Hopkins University, and Damaskini Valvi of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Funding: The study was supported by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ( R01ES029944 along with more than two dozen other awards ) and the&nbsp, USC President’s Sustainability Initiative Award.

About this latest research in neurodevelopment and environmental neuroscience

Author: Laura LeBlanc
Source: USC
Contact: Laura LeBlanc – USC
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances and disrupted sleep: mediating roles of proteins” by Shiwen ( Sherlock ) Li et al. Environmental Advances


Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances and disrupted sleep: mediating roles of proteins


Through impaired metabolic and immune functions, PFAS ( Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances ) contamination may cause sleep disruption. The study’s objective is to investigate whether PFAS and sleep are related and possible causes.


We included 136 young adults recruited between 2014-2018 and 76 were re-assessed between 2020-2022. Between 2020 and 2022, additional 8 participants only had complete data. Plasma PFAS ( PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS, PFHpS, PFPeS, PFNA, PFDA ) were measured at both visits using liquid-chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry. Olink ® Explore 384’s Cardiometabolic and Inflammation Panel I used to analyze plasma proteins. &nbsp,

Sleep duration was self-reported at both visits along with follow-up sleep disturbance and sleep-related impairment using validated instruments. We used multiple linear regression to examine the relationship between individual PFAS ( in tertile ) and these sleep outcomes.

Using the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database and the Toxicology in the 21st Century databases, computational toxicology analysis was done to examine the possible genetic connections between PFAS and sleep outcomes. The results of computational toxicology analysis were then confirmed by a mediation analysis using proteomic data.


At baseline, one tertile increase in PFDA was associated with 0.39 ( 95 % CI: 0.05, 0.73 ) hours of shorter nightly sleep duration, and, at follow-up, PFHxS and PFOA were associated with 0.39 ( 95 % CI: 0.05, 0.72 ) and 0.32 ( 95 % CI: 0.01, 0.63 ) hours shorter sleep duration, respectively.

One tertile increase in PFOS exposure was associated with a 2.99-point increase in sleep disturbance scores ( 95 % CI: 0.67, 5.31 ) and a 3.35-point increase in sleep-related impairment scores ( 95 % CI: 0.51, 6.20 ).

Computational toxicology and mediation analyses identified potential mediating roles for several proteins in the PFAS-sleep associations, including 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 1 ( HSD11B1 ), cathepsin B ( CTSB ) and several immune system-related proteins.


Future large-scale epidemiological and mechanistic studies should confirm our findings and examine how age-related changes in the associations are affected by the test effect.
