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Serotonin and observing traumatize one’s tenacity.

Summary: A new study reveals that observing others endure trauma can increase resilience and protect against depression. Researchers found that serotonin, released in the brain’s habenula, plays a key role in this process, enhancing resilience by altering neuronal activity.Mice exposed to traumatic events showed less depression-like behavior after observing others

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” Forever Chemicals” May Disrupt Brain Development

Summary: Exposure to PFAS, chemicals found in everyday products, can disrupt brain development in zebrafish, a model often used to predict effects in humans. Researchers discovered that PFAS activate specific genes related to behavior changes in zebrafish larvae, particularly those in the ppar gene group.The study found that exposure during

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Older Brains Have a Harder Time Remembering Music.

Summary: Older adults are just as capable as younger individuals of remembering familiar music, but their brains must work harder in certain areas. While memory-related brain regions are less active in older people, sensory-related areas become more engaged, compensating for reduced memory function.This research highlights how the aging brain adapts

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Contact to Cadmium Has Memory Problems As Linked to It

Summary: A recent study explored the link between cadmium exposure and cognitive decline, finding that higher cadmium levels may be associated with thinking and memory problems in white people. The study followed 2,172 people over 10 years, with results showing no association overall but revealing a possible link when analyzing

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How Astrocytes Develop into Nerve Cells

Summary: A new study reveals that astrocytes, a type of brain cell, can transform into nerve cells through changes in DNA methylation. Researchers discovered that astrocytes in certain brain regions have a unique methylation pattern, allowing them to generate nerve cells.This process can be triggered by a lack of blood

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No Evidence for a Link Between the Ozempics and Suicide Chance

Summary: A new study has found no evidence that GLP-1 analogues, common diabetes drugs, increase the risk of suicide, self-harm, or related mental health issues. Researchers analyzed data from around 300,000 people treated with these medications and found no clear link between the drugs and mental health risks.This finding supports

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